Connecting Actions 2021 - 5th Symposium on Dialogue
On November 15, 16 and 17 2021, Connecting Actions convened the 5th symposium of experts and leaders in the field of dialogue.
Over 20 Civil Society Leaders in the field of Dialogue gathered online for 3 days of rich discussions. They brainstormed common objectives and analysed common challenges. They shared skills and knowledge about their respective practices.
Committed to reinforcing this field, Connecting Actions will continue to promote training, collaboration and joint initiatives for a bigger impact.
Join us if you want to learn more about citizen, interconvictional and intercultural dialogue and contribute to its development!
In July 2022, in Partnership with the Alliance for Middle East Peace (ALLMEP), Connecting Actions initiated and organised a Symposium called “Proche Orient en Dialogue” with 20 French Civil Society community and interfaith leaders to learn about the art of conducting difficult dialogues around the theme of Israel-Palestine. In 2023, the group will expand to more Read more about European Network for Dialogue on the Middle East[…]
Report “Middle East in Dialogue” In July 2022, Connecting Actions joined forces with the Alliance for Middle East Peace (ALLMEP) to initiate and lead a Symposium of civil society leaders to discuss and learn about the art of facilitating difficult conversations in Europe around the theme of Israel-Palestine. The goal was to equip those participants Read more about Middle East In Dialogue Report[…]